About Me

Imagine you had someone to talk to who’s been in your shoes. Someone who’s been through that same long dark tunnel, and come out on the other side.

Well, that’s me. I worked in public service for almost fifteen years, including a recent seven as an operations leader in a K-8 school in NYC.

Like most of my colleagues, I did it because I believe deeply in being the change I wanted to see in the world. However, I spent years working through lunch, struggling to do more and more with fewer and fewer resources, repeatedly putting the needs of those I served above my own, and absorbing the stress of my environment like a sponge.

I found myself frustrated, stressed, burned out, and living in a body that no longer matched my definition of health.

Because I’ve always been a health enthusiast (some might even say nerd), I was able to dig myself out of that hole. I made it through a combination of health challenges (Whole30, you’ll always have a special place in my heart), structural life changes, self-taught stress management techniques, and a plan for the future.

But, I watched my colleagues continue to experience the impacts of neglecting themselves, and I knew it wasn’t enough to dig myself out of that hole.

I needed to find a way to bring them with me.

These experiences and my desire to help the school operations community led me to transition to a career in health coaching. I’ve gathered more tools to help people put themselves back on the priority list so they can enjoy their lives and careers again, and regain their health. I work specifically with operations leaders and other helping professionals so I can give back to the community I came from.

My wish for you is to know that you don’t have to do this all on your own. And, to know that there is a better way.

If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life, let’s talk.

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