I’m stressed out, but I’m not an educator or someone in a helping profession. Can you still help me?

Very likely! The tools and techniques I use are broadly applicable and have been found to work, no matter your profession. I’d recommend booking a call so I can learn more about you and give you a personalized answer.

I really don’t like meditation. Is this program going to require me to meditate?

Not in the traditional sense, no. There will be no extended periods of time when you have to find a quiet spot to practice meditation. You will, however, learn how to harness the power of meditation in short bursts. Once you learn how, these bursts will not require you to pause your life to access the calm of meditation. They can even happen while you are walking, driving, or having a conversation.

Why don’t you offer standalone coaching without the stress reduction foundation first?

I require all my clients to start with the stress reduction foundation because it is such a powerful tool. Clients who start with the foundation are not only able to achieve coaching goals much more quickly and thoroughly but also see dramatic improvements in areas of their lives that are unrelated to what they work on in coaching. I promise it’s worth the investment of time.

Do I have to participate in a group for the stress reduction foundation?

While a group is generally the best format for the foundation, I am able to accomodate a small number of clients who prefer to have this experience 1:1 with me. If that is you, please book a call so we can explore how this might work for you.

I’ve already completed a program with you, but would like to continue working together. Is that possible?

Absolutely. Once you have completed a program with me, I offer a variety of ways to continue your progress. Book a call or send me an email and we can figure out what makes the most sense for you.

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